Growth and renewal


  • Development service for an SME seeking growth and internationalization or renewal

For whom?

The service is intended for an SME who wants to grow systematically and has the conditions to do so.

  • For companies that have the prerequisites and a strong desire and motivation to develop
  • For companies that seek positive, visible change in the company
  • Developing growth conditions creates opportunities for successful and profitable business, either domestically or internationally


  • Implemented as an interactive work between an expert and an entrepreneur
  • Certified by more than 20 years of experience as a certified company for business development
  • More information about Arvoverkko Oy,
  • Certificates for:
    • Analysis
    • Growth and renewal
    • Leadership and personnel
    • Startti Plus 2.0


  • Hosting companies
  • Installation and waterproofing of bitumen roofs
  • Tiling and bathroom contracting
  • Monitoring of wet rooms
  • Technical Wholesale: Industrial Products and Car Accessories
  • Import and new service innovations
  • Wholesale of communication equipment
  • Manufacture of cleaning wagons and a new innovation for the home product sector
  • Wholesale of electronic components
  • Electrical supplies trade, industrial automation electrical components and equipment
  • Biotechnology company
  • Direct Sales Company
  • Several It-Houses
  • Alcohol manufacturing company
  • Event production company
  • An SME developing new service innovation
  • Medical laser equipment manufacturing company
  • Advertising agency and communications
  • Electricity supply / technical wholesale companies
  • Insurance and pension insurance
  • SMEs in the metal industry / subcontracting industry
  • Accounting firms
  • Hairdressing company
  • Repair companies
  • HVAC companies
  • Marketing office company
  • Earth moving and excavator companies
  • Car Rental Companies
  • Electricity contractor companies
  • Plastic manufacturing company
Toni Kaunonen

Yritysneuvonta oli todella asiantuntevaa ja systemaattista, mutta jätti kuitenkin hyvin tilaa omille ajatuksilleni. Koen, että sain paljon hyviä käytännön vinkkejä ja selkeyttä tekemiseen. Voin lämpimästi suositella!

Jouko Jussila

Hyvää valmennusta aloittelevalle yrittäjälle

Helena Parkkinen

Arvoverkon yritysneuvonta on ollut todella hyödyllistä yrittäjyyden alkuvaiheisiin. Kristianin neuvonnan alussa tekemä kartoitus kehityskohteista ja valmiit pohjat mm. strategian jalkauttamiseen ja markkinoinnin vuosikellon tekemiseen ovat auttaneet priorisoimaan, jäsentelemään ja suunnittelemaan tekemistä.


Pasi Töytäri

Erinomaista konsultointia asiakkaan tarpeita & tilannetta huomioiden

Juhani Hodju

Arvoverkko Oy auttoi yritystäni strategian laadinnassa. Strategian läpikäynti sisälsi mm. mission, vision, arvojen ja kriittisten menestystekijöiden kirkastamisen. Voin suositella Arvoverkko Oy:tä lämpimästi kaikille yrityksille, jotka ovat alkutaipaleella tai muuttamassa yrityksen strategiaa.

jyrki harjula

Apua yritystoiminnan tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.


The service may include measures to:

  • define a strategy and strategy map that supports a profitable growth for the company
  • develop an action and development plan to support the implementation of the strategy
  • direct the business owner to systematic, long-term growth-supporting activity, anticipation, and exploitation
  • develop and strengthen better business management for growth, internationalization and / or change
  • plan how to make growth as cost-efficiently, profitably and quickly as possible
  • support and direct business management in managing and planning, managing and implementing organizational change and strategy brought about by growth, internationalization and / or change


  • The goal of the service is to support the company with a clear understanding of growth strategy, customers and markets. In addition, the aim is to develop the company's strategic and business know-how and the utilization of digitalization.
  • The goal is specified in the order made by the subscriber to the service provider. The expert service is implemented in collaboration between an expert and an SME.