Leadership and personnel


  • Development service for SME management and personnel development

For whom?

The service is intended for SMEs who want to improve and develop their management, personnel skills and well-being at work.

The starting point is a well-designed analysis that defines the company's current and target status, goals and development targets, and prioritises the most important development issues in the plan.


  • Implemented as an interactive work between an expert and an entrepreneur
  • Certified by more than 20 years of experience as a certified company for business development
  • More information about Arvoverkko Oy, kristian.karimo@arvoverkko.fi
  • Certificates for:
    • Analysis
    • Growth and renewal
    • Leadership and personnel
    • Startti Plus 2.0


List of executed Leadership and Personnel Consulting from different industries:

  • Hosting companies
  • Technical Wholesale: Industrial Products and Car Accessories
  • Import and new service innovations
  • Electrical supplies trade, industrial automation electrical components and equipment
  • IT services development company
  • A company that manufactures and distributes leather gloves
  • Earth moving and excavator company
  • Window Washer Company
  • Masonry company
  • Management consulting company
  • An SME developing new service innovation
  • SMEs in the metal industry / subcontracting industry
  • Repair companies
  • HVAC company
  • Marketing office company
  • Electricity contractor companies
  • Plastic manufacturing company
Juhani Hodju

Arvoverkko Oy auttoi yritystäni strategian laadinnassa. Strategian läpikäynti sisälsi mm. mission, vision, arvojen ja kriittisten menestystekijöiden kirkastamisen. Voin suositella Arvoverkko Oy:tä lämpimästi kaikille yrityksille, jotka ovat alkutaipaleella tai muuttamassa yrityksen strategiaa.

jyrki harjula

Apua yritystoiminnan tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.

Jari Porthén

Toteutimme laajan pitkäkestoisen kehityshankkeen Arvoverkon kanssa. Kristianin pitkä, monipuolinen kokemus auttoi monessa kohdin ja saimme hankkeen aikataulullisesti toteutumaan suunnitellusti.

Open Taxi

Asiantuntevaa ja luotettavaa palvelua. Suosittelemme!

Kimmo Laine

Olen ollut mukana useassa hankkeessa, jossa Arvoverkko Oy / Kristian Karimo on toiminut konsulttina, valmentajana ja moderaattorina. Työn laatu on aina ollut ammattitaitoista ja laadultaan erinomaista. Toteutunut työ on ollut konkreettista, käytännöllistä, mitattavaa ja tavoitteellista. Aikataulut ovat aina pitäneet. Vahva suositus!

Arto Koljonen

Asiantunteva ja tehokkaasti suoritettu konsultointi


The service may include measures to:

  • Identify and develop the quality of leadership and managerial work
  • Identify personnel's need for skills in relation to the company's future goals
  • Develop strategic planning of personnel skills and well-being at work
  • Develop and implement the HR strategy
  • Create a competence map for the CEO and key personnel
  • Develop a Personnel Management Clock
  • Develop quality management by describing and defining processes
  • Design stock option schemes and commitment schemes for key personnel and
  • Develop work processes, work organization, work methods, functional networking, competence management, and reward and performance evaluation systems


  • The competitiveness of the company's business is strengthened by improving the quality of management, personnel skills and motivation, as well as well-being at work.
  • The goal is specified in the order made by the subscriber to the service provider. The expert service is implemented in collaboration between an expert and an SME.